Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tomato Improve The Amount Sperma, Really???

Lycopersicum Esculentum or ordinary we recognize with the tomato, representing fruit crop which do not know the season. Fruit which is one this besides rich Vitamin of A and C, it is said tomato can cure assorted disease. If seen from history, tomato or Lycopersicum Esculentum in the begining found around Peru, Ekuador And Bolivia. By French society, tomato named a Apple Love or Pomme D’Amour. Named a apple love because tomato scientifically believed can improve the amount sperma and also add the activity of movement sperma.

Tomato consisted of various varietas. Among others, king sized fruit tomato, smaller vegetable tomato of the size and cherry tomato which is only equal to marble. Any kind of varietas, tomato contain the element gizi which is much the same to. A tomato contain the Vitamin A, C, mineral, fibre, and vitamin fitonutrien. To one who experiencing of fever, tomato have the khasiat anti piretik able to degrade the fever. Whereas, high fibre content in tomato can overcome the digestion trouble like constipation and pile. So that this fruit have very representatif for the consumption of its people - one who on a diet and for the women of which always come up beautiful.

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